CENTRALBATAM.CO.ID, BINTAN –Today, the local government with joining by Indonesia Army and Police along with national health spread all over Indonesia to fight coronavirus or covid-19.
The chief Police of Bintan Region, Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police (AKBP) Bambang Sugihartono said each team be in charge to spray disinfection to attack virus that has been haunted world since last of December 2019 from Wuhan, Cina.
“Together we can stop the spread of this virus. As what we are doing today in Bintan Region with local government altogether join to spray disinfection to attack corona. Not only in Bintan, but all region in our country are doing same as we do,” Bambang Explained.
As directed by the central Government, each team sprayed the disinfection of virus in several points and subdivisions in the Bintan like public facilities, ports area, crowded streets, densely populated areas and residential in that region.
Spraying the sanifect using disinfectant liquid is all done only for spies to provide assistance to the community in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic.
“And for that the community must increase government appeals to remain displaced at home. and do not share information with unclear sources,” he urged.
The source is not clear, can contact the police about the reason there is legal sanction about us spreading information that cannot be accounted for, added the police chief.
Since pandemic corona attacked Indonesia, Government has been given an appeal for social distancing. With means not allow to Gatherings of more than 2 people.
On that occasion, Bambang reiterated that the appeal should be carried out. (Ndn)