CENTRALBATAM.CO.ID, BINTAN –Kenyan runners are arguably difficult to defeat in every running match. In every marathon event in various places, they always hold the champion tradition. Even so in the International Bintan Marathon Sunday (9/09/2018) morning in Lagoi Bay.
International Bintan Marathon held by PT Bintan Resort Cakrawala, Orange Room Event Organizer, PT. Media Nusa Permana Internet Service Provider and supported by Batam Tribune is indeed seen by many Kenyans. The country runners whose capital is in Nairobi are almost all categories.
In the half marathon category of all male, Njoki Charles Munyua for example opened the title with the fastest record, 1 hour 8 minutes. The second jura was also obtained from Kenyan runners with a time of fifteen minutes. In the half marathon of female female category, Indonesian participant Osidah Widayati successfully opened the victory with a time of 1 hour 32 minutes. The second winner held deterut 4 minutes of American runners.
In heavy kageri, 42 K Overal Male marathon, three champions each held by the State of Kenya. Indonesian participants sit fourth. Likewise with overal Female 42K class also held by Kenyan country participants.
To the committee, several Kenyan runners revealed the International Bintan Marathon route was relatively new. Even though the track conditions are smooth, but they claim the track is somewhat good.
Routes designed by the committee are arranged by category. But according to the concept of sports tourism, the track prepared to explore many sides of the beauty of Lagoi’s tourism. For example the path that passes Lake Lagoi with green grass in every corner makes a number of participants feel not bored across the area.
PT BRC General Manager Group (GGM) Abdul Wahab said the track concept refers to the International Bintan Marathon heading Run & Discover. “Then the opening time was deliberately at 5:00 a.m. so that runners can enjoy the atmosphere of dawn in Lagoi,” said Abdul Wahab. (Ndn)