CENTRALBATAM.CO.ID – The Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) condemned brutal acts and vigilante actions carried out by an mysterious man who set fire into the Southeast Aceh PWI’s office in Kutacane, Aceh on Thursday (1/8/2019) earlier morning.
The burning of the largest and oldest office of journalist organization in Indonesia is a form of threat to the freedom of the press and terror against journalists.
Therefore, the PWI urged National Police (Polri) General Police Tito Karnavian to order the Aceh Regional Police Chief and his staff to act quickly to investigate this case.
In addition, PWI also appealed to relevant parties to continue to respect the law and not hinder journalists’ work by committing terror. If there are parties who object to a journalistic work, it is better to take legal action or convey the right of reply to the media that reports.
“I think, vigilante acts, acts of terror in the form of burning the Southeast Aceh PWI office for whatever reason cannot be justified. PWI condemned the barbaric act and asked the Indonesian National Police General Tito Karnavian to ensure that the police were thoroughly investigating this case, “said PWI Chairperson Atal S Depari in Jakarta on Thursday (1/8/2019).
as reported previously Indonesia Journalist Association’s office in Southeast of Aceh (Agara) burned by mysterious man on 1st August this morning.
The treasurer of the Indonesian Journalists Association or Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI)in Bahasa, Sumardi, as confirmed by portalsatu.com, this afternoon, said, “When he arrived at the office this morning, he saw the front door look black like a burnt mark”.
“We suspect that it was burned by. And maybe the fire went out quickly, so it did not seep into other parts,” said Sumardi.
Sumardi added, there were several PWI members at the office on Wednesday night. However, they were not aware of the incident because there was no suspicious sound or things.
“We have reported this incident to the police. And the Southeast Aceh Police Chief, AKBP Rahmad Hardeny Yanto Eko Sahputro has also come to check. Now the police are conducting an investigation regarding this fire,”lid.